Remember The Bank Details Are Given Below.
Contact Us For New Account Details
Note The Persons of Foreign countries may send their Amount in Dollar, Riyal, and Pound etc. also into the above written A/c No.
On the cheque, drafts and bank slip, write only
“The Gaya Muslim Orphanage”
Addresses For Correspondence For Sending the letters, cheques drafts and money orders, use the following address.
Hon. Secretary,
The Gaya Muslim Orphanage
At + Po. Cherki-824237, Distt.Gaya (Bihar) India.
Note The Persons of Indian States and foreign countries may send the cheques and drafts of Indian Bank and the amount into the Account No. of Indian Donors.
Remember The Donors who send their donations through Mobile Banking’ Online and net should send their address through Whatsapp, E-mail, Mobile or by post so that the receipt could be sent.